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Guestbook — 9 Comments

  1. We have had our little Maximilian home for a week now, and we are just in so much puppy love. Little Max has the nicest puppy personality he sleeps all night in his crate, and has had only a couple accidents, but they were both because we were not paying attention. Debbie made this sale to us so easy and accommodated our special delivery requests. I highly recommend this Breeder if you are looking for a papillion puppy with excellent qualities. Bill & Linda

  2. So happy he is being a good little, such a wonderful personality on him Debbie

  3. Our little Riley has been with us for 13 years, he’s a devil in disguse but we love him to bits. What a personality he has plus he’s very smart, he keeps us on our toes.

  4. We have now (june 19, 2017) lost our little Riley, he was suffocating, his throat was closing and we made the heart breaking dission to end his suffering. We miss him so much, will love him always. Love the papillon breed and hope one day to have another one.

  5. We couldn’t be happier with “Dazzle”, she has been with us 2 weeks now! We have loved every minute with her!

    Thank you!

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