Nightfire’s Xtra Special
Sire:PapplewicK  Preacher Man
Dam:Nightfire’s One for the Winning
Born : June 15,2013

Miley (RETIRED) in Companion home

Achievements:PRA clear by DNA


Pedigree of ” “

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents
SIREPapplewickPreacherMan Papplewick Pitch and Putt Gold Wings New Addition at Papplewick
 Shamal Charisma
Papplewick Papa Don,t Preach to Loerburn Candygolds Time-Bomb  from Papplewick
 Candygolds Young at Heart of Papplewick
DAMNightfire’s One For The Winning Gatchaman of Royal Blanche  Shin Son JP’s Justice
 Fire Opal of Princess Fantasy JP
Lindatrps Ahliza  Siljans Disney
 Silenzio’s Green Peace